Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Co-chairs: Dr. Rohan Mehta and Dr. Zarina Sharalaya

Letter from Chair

Thank you for visiting the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Section of the Texas ACC Chapter!

We are proud to introduce this as a new section of the Texas ACC and are excited to expand the efforts to promote, support, and emphasize the need for diversity of the workforce in Cardiology, and also to work earnestly toward equity in patient care regardless of gender and ethnic background. These two entities are very closely linked together and we cannot achieve the latter without the former.

As we work to grow this new section, we ask that you contact us with any ideas to promote these goals and we would love to have you more involved in our efforts. Please look for information on upcoming events shortly.

All the best,
Rohan Mehta and Zarina Sharalaya

Rohan Mehta, MD

Zarina Sharalaya, MD


Dr. Ijeoma Ekeruo


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