Fellows in Training (FIT)

Co-chairs: Dr. Joe Aoun and Dr. Kayla Riggs

Letter from Chair

Welcome to the Fellows in Training (FIT) section of the Texas ACC! Our section represents cardiology fellows, residents and medical students interested in cardiology. Membership for trainees is complimentary to the ACC and trainees are automatically members of our FIT section. Our goal is to provide a network among Texas cardiology fellowships and share resources for trainees.

We welcome your involvement in our section and appreciate the support and mentorship of FACC members. For more information, please reach out to Shari.Noonan@texmed.org.

Thank you!
Joe Aoun, MD and Kayla Riggs, MD

Joe Aoun, MD​

Kayla Riggs, MD​


Dr. Ijeoma Ekeruo

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