Women in Cardiology

Co-chair: Dr. Bindu Chebrolu and Dr. Anjlee Mehta

Letter from Chair

Dear Esteemed Visitors,


I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to you all as you navigate through the Women in Cardiology section of the Texas Chapter of the American College of Cardiology. This platform represents the integration of women’s perspectives, insights, and accomplishments in the dynamic field of cardiology, and it’s a pleasure to have you join us in this vibrant community.


In the realm of Cardiology, we have witnessed an enriching transformation. Women have emerged as leaders, pioneers, and innovators, consistently driving positive change and contributing to advancements in cardiovascular medicine. Our section strives to highlight these remarkable achievements and provide a platform that empowers, motivates, and inspires every woman involved in the field of Cardiology. 


Bindu Chebrolu, MD

Anjlee Mehta, MD, FACC

Central to our mission is a commitment to fostering camaraderie between all cardiologists, acknowledging that our collective strength lies in our diversity. We aim to create an environment where voices are heard, experiences are shared, and collaboration is celebrated. In this community, we champion equality, mutual respect, and a deep-seated appreciation for the invaluable contributions that each member brings to the table.


To the future cardiologists and young blood aspiring to make a mark in this field, we open our doors and hearts wide. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and we are here to walk alongside you, mentor you, and nurture your potential to its fullest. Let us build the future of Cardiology together, a future that embraces diversity and mirrors the society it serves.

 In this section, you will find resources, updates, networking opportunities, and avenues for personal and professional growth. It is my sincere hope that this space will serve not just as an informational platform, but also as a hub for inspiration, empowerment, and progressive thinking. 


On behalf of the Women in Cardiology section of the Texas Chapter of the American College of Cardiology, I thank you for your interest and involvement. Together, let us continue to strive for excellence and make a significant impact in the world of Cardiology. 


Warm Regards,
Bindu Chebrolu 
Chair, Women in Cardiology Section 
Texas Chapter, American College of Cardiology

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